Original Manufacturer's Parts for Repair
Did you know? Using aftermarket parts for repair can reduce the value book value of your vehicle.
Don’t settle for car insurance that makes your repair shop use aftermarket parts to repair your newer vehicle.
We respect what it takes to buy a new car. So our auto coverage options include use of Original Equipment Manufacturer’s parts for repairs for vehicles up to six years old. OEM means you can be assured of equipment usually made of superior materials and that is warrantied, readily available, and tailored to the vehicle.
We offer policies with three levels of OEM authorization:
- Auto Plus policies – OEM replacement parts for vehicles up to two years old with 24,000 or fewer miles
- Premier Choice policies – OEM replacement parts for vehicles up to four years old with 50,000 or fewer miles
- Signature Choice policies – OEM replacement parts for vehicles up to six years old with 60,000 or fewer miles
Product, service, program, credit, and discount availability and limits vary by state. The information provided on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a full explanation of products, services or coverage. For more information, please contact Electric Insurance Company at 800.342.5342. If there are discrepancies between the information on this site and the policy, the terms in the policy apply.

One size of auto coverage does not fit all. Get the right coverage for your needs with one of three flexible coverage options. This at-a-glance chart (.PDF, 1.5mg) shows you coverage highlights so you can make the right choice for you.