Auto Insurance Discounts
Overview of Discounts and Credits
Please note that this partial list of discounts/credits and their descriptions are for general information only; the eligibility criteria, availability of discounts, and the coverages to which they apply vary by state. For exact coverage provisions, availability, terms, limitations, and exclusions, please contact Electric Insurance Company at 800.342.5342
Discounts Available
Accident-Free Discount/Safe Driver Discount (applies to all coverages): Applies, up to a fixed maximum discount percent, based on the number of years the policyholder has been licensed or since the last accident/violation.
Affinity and Employer Group Membership/Employee Status (applies to all coverages): Applies to qualifying members and/or employees of sponsored affinity groups.
Antilock Brake Discount (applies to Bodily Injury and Property Damage): Applies to private passenger autos equipped with a factory-installed, four-wheel, Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
Anti-theft Devices Discount (applies to Comprehensive): Applies to vehicles with active and/or passive alarms
Driver Training Credit(applies to Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision): Applies to each “Youthful” operator on the policy when satisfactory evidence is presented that such operator has successfully completed a driver education course.
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Discount (applies to Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision (and to Personal Injury Protection in MA): Applies to private passenger vehicles with an original factory-installed hybrid or electric engine. The vehicle must be certified for use on major roads and cannot be classified as a "Light Electric Vehicle". The discount applies each year the vehicle is on the policy. This discount is not available for policies with the New Vehicle Discount.
Family & Friends Referral Discount (applies to all coverages): A discount will apply to all coverages on the policy if the named insured(s) is referred to Electric Insurance Company by either a family member (parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister or spouse) or a friend who is a current Electric Insurance customer and an active Electric Insurance Company Employee\Retiree, General Electric Employee\Retiree or General Electric Affiliate Employee\Retiree. This discount is only available for policies originally written on or after the introduction of the discount. This discount is not available for policies receiving the Mass Marketing discount.
Good Student Credit (applies to Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision): Applies to full-time students, up to age 24, with a "B" or better average who meet the following criteria:
- Maintain a B-or-better average, or its equivalent numerical score, if the average is not graded on a letter scale, or
- Achieve a 3.0 or higher GPA, or
- Are named to the Dean’s List, or
- Rank within the top 25% of their class.
Low-Annual Mileage Discount (applies to Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive): Applies if a vehicle is driven less than a specific number of miles (amount varies by state) annually; the credit varies based on daily commuting use.
Married Status Discount (Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision Applies if the rated driver is married and is not classified as a “Youthful” driver.
Mature Driver Accident Prevention Course Discount (applies to Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision): Applies if the rated driver has completed a state-approved accident prevention course and meets state-specified age requirements; state-specific eligibility requirements apply in relation to a driver’s incident history
Multi-Policy Discount (applies to all coverages): Applies if the policyholder has both an auto and home, condo or tenants policy with Electric Insurance Company
New Vehicle Discount (applies to Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision (and to Personal Injury Protection in MA)): The discount applies as follows: policyholders who own a private passenger auto receive a discount if the policy effective year minus the model year of the vehicle is less than three. The discount does not apply to vehicles receiving the Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Discount, to leased vehicles, or to vehicles without collision coverage.
Paid-in-Full Discount (applies to all coverages): Policyholders will receive a 5% discount off all coverages when they are enrolled in the one-payment plan (paying full premium in one installment at the beginning of the policy term). The discount will cease immediately if the policyholder changes to anything other than a one-payment plan. If the policyholder also has any other policy (e.g., home, boat, umbrella, PEL, etc.) with Electric Insurance, the policy(ies) must also be paid in full in a single payment in order for the discount to apply.
Passive Restraint Discount (applies to Medical Payments): Applies to vehicles with seatbelts, airbags and other types of passive restraints.
Payroll Deduction Program Participation Discount for Employees of Sponsored Affinity Groups (applies to all coverages): A payroll deduction program participation discount applies to auto and home insurance policies in all states with the exception of CA and NY (where no discount applies), and in AK and HI (where the payroll deduction program is not available); no discount applies to homeowners policies in WA. The discount will be pro-rated if the policyholder begins or ends participation in the program mid policy term; the discount will cease immediately if the policyholder dis-enrolls.
Plan Ahead (New Auto Policy Customer) Discount (applies to Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision (and to Personal Injury Protection in MA): A discount applies if the policyholder completed a full quote seven to 120 calendar days (seven to 60 days in FL) prior to the policy’s new business effective date. The date of a “full quote” is defined as the date a risk is rated and a premium amount is provided to the customer. This discount will not apply if the customer had any lapse in coverage prior to the effective date of the policy.
A customer is defined as having a lapse in coverage if the time between the previous policy expiration date and the new policy effective date at Electric Insurance is one (1) or more days. Customers will not be considered to have a lapse if the insured did not have a vehicle, was insured through an employer or another policy, was on active military duty, or was otherwise not required to carry minimum statutory limits of coverage. Auto policies written before the introduction of this discount are not eligible. This discount does not apply to vehicles other than private passenger autos.
Student 100 or More Miles Away from Home (without a vehicle) Rating Credit (applies to Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive and Collision): Applies when the named insured has a household family member who is on the policy, but who is away at school or in the armed services and is 100 miles or more away from home and does not have an auto.
Note: these discounts are just a partial list of those we offer.