What type of homeowners insurance coverage do you need? Property coverage can enable you to repair, rebuild, or replace your house. A property loss doesn't have to mean a financial loss, whether it's a dwelling, other structure, or your own personal property. Homeowners insurance from Electric Insurance also offers:
- Loss of Use coverage to pay for temporary housing, when needed.
- A Special Form policy to cover a wide variety of perils including fire, theft, and ice dams.
- Extra coverage for computers, high value jewelry, and even for areas prone to earthquakes or floods.
Personal Liability and Medical Payments to Others coverage protects you no matter where you are. Such coverage can pay medical expenses, bodily injury, and/or property damages that may be awarded against you if you are legally responsible. Any necessary court costs are also covered.
What Extra Coverage is Available?
The standard Special Form policy insures your dwelling and other structures against all risks except those excluded by the policy and your personal property against fire, lightning, wind, hail, snow, ice, explosion, smoke, theft, vandalism, falling objects, and freezing pipes*.
But some homeowners and renters face specific hazards like earthquakes and floods, while others may have valuable computer equipment, or expensive art or jewelry not covered by a standard policy. Electric Insurance offers extra coverage known as endorsements. These allow you to be very specific about what you insure and for how much.
At Electric Insurance, our experienced representatives can help you decide what and how much you need of the different types of coverage. Just call 800.342.5342.
*Disclaimer: Please consult your policy for the specific coverage provided. In the event of any conflict between the information contained herein and the policy, the policy language prevails.
Electric Insurance Company Risk Coaches help you assess your current coverages and exposure to risk based on the information you provide during your discussion with them. The services provided are for informational purposes only and do not create a professional or fiduciary relationship. Incomplete information or a change in your circumstances after your meeting may affect coverage requirements or recommendations.
Product, service, program, credit, and discount availability and limits vary by state. The information provided on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a full explanation of products, services or coverage. For more information, please contact Electric Insurance Company at 800.227.2757. If there are discrepancies between the information on this site and the policy, the terms in the policy apply.

Home values are at an all-time high. Make sure you protect your investment in your home with sound coverage. This easy-to-understand coverage chart (PDF 820kb) helps you know what to get and why.