You Should Know About "Accident Forgiveness"
Our discounts can save you money before an accident. But did you know our coverages can save you money after one too?
Bad accidents happen to even good drivers, and the financial penalties can be harsh.
Your policy deductible takes a bite out of your claim payment. Then, when your policy renews, the accident surcharge can mean that your rates go up by as much as 40%.2
Finally, you might lose any safe driver discount you have, driving your rates up by as much as another 15%.
Who wants to potentially pay 65% more for auto insurance? We know that you don’t want to and we know that good drivers deserve a second chance.
That’s why our Premier Choice and Signature Choice auto coverages offer Accident Forgiveness.3 If you’re found to be at fault in an accident, we’ll waive up to $500 of your policy deductible. We’ll also skip the surcharge at renewal.
That could save you a 40% rate increase. And if you have a safe driver discount, we’ll keep applying it. Accident Forgiveness is available in our Premier Choice and Signature Choice coverage packages.
What to Do Now
Call us to work with an Electric Insurance Risk Coach™ to find about out more about accident forgiveness for auto policies. Our Risk Coaches are licensed insurance professionals who are glad to help you navigate the often-perplexing world of insurance coverage. Call us at 800.342.5342, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.
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One size of auto coverage does not fit all. Get the right coverage for your needs with one of three flexible coverage options. This at-a-glance chart (PDF 612kb) helps you make the right choice for you.