Student on Your Policy? Two Ways to Save.
Is someone on your auto policy a student who is age 24 or under and unmarried?
Are they away at a school, college, or university at least 100 miles from your home?
Do they have a car at school?
If you do have a student attending a school far from home and they don’t have a vehicle with them, you could potentially save about $213 on your auto insurance.*
We offer an auto policy premium credit to policyholders, so if this situation applies to you, just call us and ask for the “100-mile discount.”
Good students can mean more savings
Your student’s good grades could lower your rate by $200 (or more).*
Youthful drivers can be expensive to insure. That’s because the accident rate for young drivers is so high. But there’s a way to lessen the impact to your rate. Good grades are linked to more responsible behavior and fewer car accidents, so we’ll apply a premium discount if the youthful driver on your policy is a full-time student who earns good grades.
Who’s eligible for the credit?
The credit is available to full-time high school, college, or university students (up to age 24) who:
- Maintain a B-or-better average, or its equivalent numerical score, if the average is not graded on a letter scale, or
- Achieve a 3.0 or higher GPA, or
- Are named to the Dean’s List, or
- Rank within the top 25% of their class.
How to apply for the credits
For the “100-mile” credit, call us to let us know what school your child or children are attending, that they are age 24 or under and unmarried and to confirm that they do not have a vehicle with them.
For the “Good student” credit, you’ll need a copy of your student’s grade reports or transcripts that show the student’s name, grades, school, and semester dates.
Contact us at 800.342.5342 for assistance applying either or both of these credits to your policy. Our Risk Coach team members are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.
Call or Use Chat to Contact a Risk Coach
They’ll be happy to help all eligible customers get the discounts for which they are eligible and save money on their auto coverage.
Call one at 800.342.5342 Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.
One size of auto coverage does not fit all. Get the right coverage for your needs with one of three flexible coverage options. This at-a-glance chart (.PDF, 1.5mg) shows you coverage highlights so you can make the right choice for you.