Savings, coverage, and service for new cars & customers
Do you have a new vehicle or are planning to buy one soon?
Get a trifecta of savings with discounts for:
- New and newer vehicles (up to three years old) or EV/Hybrid vehicles
- New customers, and
- Participating in the Great Driver™ App Program.*
You may even qualify for more ways to save!
You’ll get exceptional coverage and service for your new vehicle, too.
No-hassle new car replacement. If your new vehicle is totaled, or stolen and not recovered, we’ll pay for the full replacement cost of a similar new vehicle. We won’t even lower the check amount to account for depreciation.
Pick the coverage that’s best for you.
- Auto Plus: Covers vehicles up to one year old with 15,000 or fewer miles on the odometer.
- Premier Choice Auto and Signature Choice Auto: Cover vehicles up to two years old with 30,000 or fewer miles on the odometer.
Total Care for Totaled Vehicles. Get a fast check for your totaled (or stolen and not recovered) vehicle and, if you also have alternate transportation coverage on your policy, extra time is added to your rental coverage to give you time to shop for a replacement vehicle.
Loan/Lease coverage option. Are you taking out a car loan? Do you already have one? Then make sure your insurance includes Loan/Lease Gap coverage. If you total your vehicle while you’re still paying it off, this coverage pays the outstanding balance on the loan. Now that’s solid coverage for an excellent value.
What to Do Now
Call us to work with an Electric Insurance Risk Coach™. Our Risk Coaches are licensed insurance professionals who are glad to help you navigate the often-perplexing world of insurance coverage. Call us at 800.342.5342, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.
Product, service, program, credit, and discount availability and limits vary by state. The information provided on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a full explanation of products, services, or coverage. For more information, please contact Electric Insurance Company at 800.342.5342. If there are discrepancies between the information on this site and the policy, the terms in the policy apply.
* The Great Driver™ smartphone app is a Risk Coach™ service from Electric Insurance Company®. Great Driver program auto policies are currently available in AZ, CT, IL, KY, MN, MO, NJ, OH, SC, TX, VA, and WI. Participation is optional. Eligibility, qualifications, and availability may be modified or changed at any time.
1. Average countrywide car insurance savings as reported by Electric Insurance Company customers through December 31, 2020. Potential savings vary.

One size of auto coverage does not fit all. Get the right coverage for your needs with one of three flexible coverage options. This at-a-glance chart (.PDF, 1.5mg) shows you coverage highlights so you can make the right choice for you.